We're excited that you’ve decided to apply to join Arc. Help us get to know you and your company by answering a few questions.

If you experience any issues submitting your application, please reach out to arc@sequoiacap.com

What should we call you?

*Required field
*Required LinkedIn URL
*Please add a Github Url
*Please add a url

Any co-founders we should know too?

Add a co-founder

Where is your company headquartered?

Arc Spring ‘25 is open to companies
headquartered in the Americas and Europe
*Required field
*Required field
*Required field

How can we reach you?

We will only use this to inform you about the status of your application or reach out with any questions.
*Required valid email

Your Company Details

*Required field
*Required field
*Must be a valid url
*Must be a USD amount
*Must be date

Which space is your company in?

Please select a sector
*Please pick a sector
Pick up to three themes
*Please pick a theme

What does your company do?

What does your company do in one sentence?
0/100 characters
*Required field
What does your company do in one paragraph?
0/250 characters
*Required field

Outlier Spike

We want to understand your superpowers.

What are some examples from your life that demonstrate your outlier characteristics? This can be in any area of life and at any age where you were in a league of your own. Were you a video game champ? Popular streamer? Programming wizard? Elite athlete? Mathlete? Debate captain? Military leadership? Start a business as a kid? There's no right or wrong answer. We're just trying to appreciate your specialness.
Founder 0 First and last name
0/400 characters
*Required field

Grit & Motivation

What’s the hardest thing you have overcome? What did you learn about yourself? This could be professional or personal.
Founder 0 First and last name
0/400 characters
*Required field

Founder-Problem Fit

Why have you chosen this idea? What’s your unfair advantage or unique insight in solving this problem?
0/600 characters
*Required field
Who is your customer and how do you know this problem is worth solving for them? How will you find customers?
0/600 characters
*Required field
Tell us about your competitors and what they do well. Why do you believe you will be different and better?
0/600 characters
*Required field
How do you plan on making money? Tell us how you get to a $X00M+ revenue business?
0/400 characters
*Required field
Have you launched?

There's no wrong answer. You can apply with an idea and no lines of code, or an MVP with early customer traction.

*Required field
How many users do you have?
*Required field
What is your current level of annualized revenue, in USD?
*Required field
What else would you like to share about your current level of usage and traction?
0/400 characters
*Required field

Speed & Slope

How have you made progress in the last four weeks on your company or idea?
0/400 characters
*Required field


Who would be your strongest advocate if we asked them about you? Please share up to three names per founder. We may reach out to them during the process.

Founder 0 References

Reference 1
*Required field
*Required LinkedIn URL
*Required email
Reference 2
*Required field
*Required LinkedIn URL
*Required email
Reference 3
*Required field
*Required LinkedIn URL
*Required email
Add reference

Have you applied to Arc before?

If you have applied to Arc before, please share what has changed in terms of team, product or traction.
0/400 characters
*Required field

Please share a company presentation

A company presentation can take any shape or form. It might be an application to another seed program you have already filled out, a business plan you have written or a one-pager outlining the problem you’re going to solve.
*A PDF is required
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
Application received.
Thank you!
Invitations for Arc Spring ‘25 will be extended no later than mid-April.
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